Monday, May 14, 2007

Local Advertising

As we began our journey, an associate of mine offered to feature us in a monthly news letter that is generated to his clients. Marc Rentz is the owner of a local mortgage company who I worked with to purchase my home a couple of years ago. In working with Marc, we thought it would be a wonderful idea to provide his clients with a discount on the purchase of lighting for their new homes. This is great for them and has allowed us to do some local advertising here at home in Boise, ID. This was just a small feature, but it turned out so well, I really thought it would be nice to share it with everyone else. it is.....Oh! and that is me in the picture, so now you have a face to put with name.....look forward to talking with you soon!

Anita Turner

Customer Care Manager

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am looking for a quoizel 14" diameter lighted moasic plate with stand, quoizel item #: TF2061PL. Anybody out there that can help me please reply to