Absolutely marvelous. After charging around hither and yon looking for what I wantd an knew must exist, there it was! Then to top it all off, it arrived on time, and the price was in line with the competition.
www.LightingShowroom.com is an online merchant
selling indoor and outdoor residential lighting fixtures.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Customer Comment
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Customer Review
I was absolutely thrilled with the service of this company !!! The lights look so elegant in my dining area and look so beautiful i could put a picture in a magazine. the delivery was prompt and the package was secure. The only problem we had was deciding which lights to buy as the selection offered us many to cho0se from. WOW i would highly recommend this company to my family and friends as well as continue to buy from them myself. Together with the staff and the service this company has my vote for the best!!! continued success to all.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Customer Review
I ordered it on Sunday night and was installing it on Thursday night (just in time for the Saturday ngiht party). Your website shows pictures that are true to the product and are accurate in the processing / shipping time.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Customer Review
Just a pleasure doing business with a very reliable company. I've made a purchase prior to (about a week ago for kitchen) today's purchase (living room) and I'm very pleased with products-variety, website-very easy to manage, and shipping-package and delivery timeframe. You have done a job well done. Keep up the good work! Oh yeah, thanks for the 7% disc! Primary topic of my comment: cust. svc., coupons, and product availability