Friday, October 21, 2011

lovely to look at Product Code: gla-8815-16-clrt-dbrz

Product Code: gla-8815-16-clrt-dbrz
I love crystal but can\'t afford real crystal. This comes close. I get frequent compliments on these. One day I\'ll do crystal but for now I am content.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

nice rich colors Product Code: am-12203-0

Product Code: am-12203-0
I like the earth tones in this light. Goes very well in my southwest home.

love it Product Code: 4179vz

Product Code: 4179vz
the description is accurate. We love this fixture...have had it more than two years one.

breathtaking when lit Product Code: 4881pl

Product Code: 4881pl
Crystal lights are my favorite. My wife, not so much. She indulged me by letting me buy this. I\'m finally winning!!! She loves it. We are going to buy some other pieces from the collection. Just great. I am really pleased.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My wife is happy Product Code: kid-3360

Product Code: kid-3360
We have a 2 year old daughter. My wife is doing her bedroom. A little cute for me but my wife loves it.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

FW: A nice shout-out for LightingShowroom’s use of TurnTo

It's always nice to get positive feedback from someone, and it's even nicer when you don't know them yet. The team at recently had some nice things to say about one of our clients,, and the on-site features that they use to improve the shopping experience. In their post, they mentioned two of the products in TurnTo's Social Commerce Suite. First, they referenced our best-in-class Social Q&A product Ask Owners:

"In addition, [] has integrated social hooks that fascinated me. Their "ASK others" button allows a person to direct questions to past customers about the product or to pose any kind of question to the staff or to Facebook contacts."


Then, they brought up our Social Merchandising application which allows customers to "see what your friends bought here":

"If this isn't enough, they incorporated a slider on the right that displays things other clients bought and includes social hooks where you can engage in a dialog about the product purchased. It can also select from zip codes if you would like to ask local buyers what they thought…"


We love to be reminded that our work at TurnTo is having benefits for both our customers, and especially for their shoppers. Thank you to everyone at for the shout-out!


What's the best online shout-out that you've ever given or received? Tell us in the comments below.

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LOVE THE FANS!!!! Product Code: mo-5wf42rb

Product Code: mo-5wf42rb
We love our new fans. They are a perfect fit for our porch and exactly what we were looking for. We love the fact that they are sealed which makes them WEATHER PROOF and have the ABS blades. ABS blades were not very populat back when we first bought fans for our porch, so you can only imagine how those looked when we took them down. Thank you so much for your help getting us hooked up with the perfect fans...we are very excited. We will be looking to acquire a few more for our back porch.